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The Never-ending Story project
Are you ready to unleash your creativity and take part in WAA’s exciting collaborative project
We Are Artists Community Collaboration Experiment
So after a few prompts and suggestions from members, we've decided to put together a little art project for the community to get involved in! It is in essence an artwork (and importantly a short story behind the work made) that gets passed from person to person, to add to or recreate as they want... but is also a whole lot more!
What its All About ≈
Essentially an artwork, and the story behind the artwork that gets passed from artist to artist.
Each artist who receives the work should use the previous artist's image and story as inspiration to create their own work, either by adding to the previous artist's work or creating something fresh. It's up to them
The project is about connection. When the work is passed to you, we will not name the name previous artist. They will remain anonymous to you. It is just their art and words that speak to you.
We hope participants will bring part of their own world into the art and words. Share moments from their world, express their emotions, describe how they are feeling on a given day, or even share their artistic techniques, anything personal that comes to mind while responding to the previous artist. It's akin to receiving a message in a bottle and then sending your own one out for someone else.
And while we don't want to impose anything on the project, the idea is that although each person's contribution will be individual - it is the sum of the parts that will make the project come alive. To view all the works displayed together, in sequence and see how the story evolves :)
We shall periodically display the artwork and stories on our website, and on social media so will get a chance to see how your work affected someone else.
The idea is that the project will be infinite, it can and hopefully will go on until there's momentum and enough people to take part
≈ How it will work ≈
The project will be open to all members of the WAA community, who can register their interest to participate by providing their name and email address (and Instagram links if they want to be tagged). The registration process will be ongoing and without a limit, allowing for new participants to join at any time.
The project will begin with an organiser who will create an artwork on a blank canvas along with a supporting narrative explaining why they made what they did. Both the image and the words will carry equal weight in order to effectively communicate the artist's intentions and inspire the subsequent participant.
These will then be passed onto another participant, in a digital format (via WAA email), who will use them as inspiration to rework and add to the artwork, along with their own story about why they created what they did. This will go on without limit.
Each participant will have the freedom to work on the artwork at their own pace, with a 3-week limit from the time the piece is passed on to them. If a participant is unable to complete their work within the given timeframe, they should inform an organiser so that the piece can be passed on to another participant, ensuring that the project maintains momentum and does not stagnate. The original participant will have the opportunity to work on the artwork at a later time - (no one will be left behind 🧡).
Participants will be free to rework the image however they like, stripping away what was previously done or subtly adding to it, using any material or medium of their choice, even sculptural. The choice is theirs.
However, to facilitate the easy passing of the artwork, it should always be sent onwards in a digital format. So, if a participant prefers to work with physical materials, they may print out the sent artwork to create on it and then photograph or scan their version to send it forward in digital format (no larger than 10MB) to
All of the works and accompanying stories created by the participants will be periodically collated and showcased on the WAA website. This will provide a platform to share the progress of the project and allow for community engagement with the evolving artwork and narrative
If you would like to take part please sign up here
By signing up and submitting their artwork, participants are agreeing to their work being exhibited on the WAA website and social media platforms, as well as potentially being used for promotional purposes and in follow-up projects, such as an art book of the project. Any agreement for follow-up projects will be made clear to all participants prior to it going ahead, and they will have the option to opt-out if they do not wish for their work to be used in this way.
Kushag – Lest One Forgets