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ADHD project
Many have speculated that Leonardo da Vinci, van Gogh, and Picasso had ADHD. They exhibited many of the classic ADHD characteristics. These famous artists were passionate and creative geniuses with the ability to hyperfocus on their artwork, changing the way the world sees art.
So we are not all Picasso, but it’s common for artists have some form of ADHD, in many ways it seems to be an ingredient to creativity. For me, the condition is at best frustrating and worst, reckless.
This is a project to use ADHD directly in your art. Working with ADHD and not in spite of it. Using it creatively. This project is for those who have ADHD. Whether it’s mild or severe, officially diagnosed or self-diagnosed.
Every time you are distracted, derailed from a particular task or project, take a snapshot of the thing that distracted you. Now that could be an object, an activity or person. And the ‘snapshot’ could be a photo, video, drawing, a sentence, a word – whatever you feel creatively shows the moment. Do this over the course of two weeks.
Use that picture, either by printing it out, drawing or painting it, or using a similar object from a magazine (to cut out)